

This method currently handles addon catalog requests. As opposed to defineCatalogHandler() which handles meta catalogs, this method handles catalogs of addon manifests. This means that an addon can be used to just pass a list of other addons that can be installed in Stremio.


args - request object; parameters described below


A promise that resolves to an object containing { addons: [] } with an array of Catalog Addon Object

The resolving object can also include the following cache related properties:

Request Parameters

type - type of the catalog’s content; e.g. movie, series, channel, tv (see Content Types)

id - string id of the catalog that is requested; these are set in the Manifest Object

config - object with user settings, see Manifest - User Data

Basic Example

builder.defineResourceHandler('addon_catalog', function(args) {
    return Promise.resolve({
        addons: [
                transportName: 'http',
                transportUrl: '',
                manifest: {
                    id: 'org.myexampleaddon',
                    version: '1.0.0',
                    name: 'simple example',
                    catalogs: [],
                    resources: ['stream'],
                    types: ['movie'],
                    idPrefixes: ['tt']

Catalog Addon Object Definition