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use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::hash::Hash;
/// Compare `a` and `b` based on provided priority.
/// Priorities should be set based on the type `T` and `i32`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::HashMap};
/// use stremio_core::{constants::TYPE_PRIORITIES, models::common::compare_with_priorities};
/// # fn main() {
/// let priorities = vec![("movie", 4), ("series", 3)]
/// .into_iter()
/// .collect::<HashMap<&str, i32>>();
/// let actual = compare_with_priorities("movie", "series", &priorities);
/// assert_eq!(Ordering::Greater, actual);
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn compare_with_priorities<T: Ord + Hash + Eq + ?Sized>(
a: &T,
b: &T,
priorities: &HashMap<&T, i32>,
) -> Ordering {
match (priorities.get(a), priorities.get(b)) {
(Some(a_priority), Some(b_priority)) => a_priority.cmp(b_priority),
(Some(priority), None) => {
if *priority == i32::MIN {
} else {
(None, Some(priority)) => {
if *priority == i32::MIN {
} else {
(None, None) => b.cmp(a),